We decided as a family at the beginning of the year to end our long career with select soccer. As much as the boys love to play, it was taking away too much from our family and we were never together. The boys have been very supportive in this and knowing this was his last tournament, Trent played his heart out! The team won the tourney for Trent, they said, and then gave him the winning team trophy to remember them by! We have been blessed to be associated with such amazing people on both of our boys' teams!
Tyler was voted by his classmates to be one of 5 kids to give a speech at his graduation. He did a great job! He was also awarded the presidential award for his grades. We are very lucky to have him as our son! Grandma Bagley and Aunt Ashley were also able to come see Ty.
Pat and I brought all the daycare kids we had that day to the field day so we could watch our own kids, so here they all are eating lunch at school. Doesn't Pat look so enthused! I had asked him to take the day off to help me!
After we got home from the field day and got all the kids down for a nap, I left Pat in charge and went up to the hospital to watch the birth of Aubree. This was my first time witnessing a birth and I was so honored to be there!! She is beautiful!
Tyler played flag football and loved it. He really did well as quarterback and we learned that he has a great arm! Who knew? Maybe it's because his arms aren't wornout with soccer
Pat and I have been married for 15 years and each one gets better and better! We have four amazing and very active kids. Even though we are very imperfect, we are so grateful to be a family and love being together! Enjoy our crazy life!